Monday, November 24, 2008

Jive Weekenders

Hi, I've attended two 'ESCAPE' weekenders in recent months. There seem to be a glut of jive weekends now, which is no bad thing, as I personally do not have a problem financing my dancing, at present: however, with the clashes I am strugling to make a choice between rival events. where will I meet up with the friends and aquaintances I have made, over the years?
I still enjoy dancing with new partners, but would like to see my favourites, more frequently. In the future, I imagine that only a die hard core of dancers will travel to every region.
Your comments please.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hijacked by WCS
The music patterns now often played at freestyle and weekend events, under the heading of blues, has more in common with Rhumba: not bad if you can do it, but is often danced slotted as a slow WCS, with accented pauses. There was even a WCS class in last months Ceroc Kent freestyle at Rochester.
If you disagree and like this musical style then please learn Rhumba, with Rhumba teachers, you will own the floor.
My personal challenge is Argentine Tango. Jive has taken something of a back seat, but is more fun now: more a social encounter, than a challenge.